Hopkins Township has appointed Professional Code Inspections of Michigan, Inc. (“PCI”) to administer and enforce all State of Michigan Construction Codes. Permits are required. Please contact PCI at 616-877-2000 with all building related questions, or visit their website at www.pcimi.com for application forms and additional information.
Septic and well permits are under the jurisdiction of the Allegan County Health Department. Please contact them by phone at 269-673-5415 or find applications and more information at https://www.allegancounty.org/health/environmental-health
Hopkins Township Roads are maintained by the Allegan County Road Commission with the exception of US-131. For driveway permits, questions and more please visit https://www.alleganroads.org/ or call 269-673-2184.
Land Divisions, Land Transfers and Lot Line Adjustments must be approved by the Township prior to any sale. Applications may be found at: https://www.pcimi.com/forms/dorr-office or by contacting PCI directly by phone at 616-877-2000 or in person at 1575 142nd Avenue, Dorr, MI 49323.
Septic and well permits are under the jurisdiction of the Allegan County Health Department. Please contact them by phone at 269-673-5415 or find applications and more information at https://www.allegancounty.org/health/environmental-health
For Driveway Permits call the Allegan County Road Commission at 269.673.2184.
The State Construction Code officially known as Public Act 230 excludes agricultural buildings and structures from construction permits only. It has nothing to do with zoning and land use permits as local ordinances govern these issues. As per the State’s definition, to be qualified for an agricultural exemption, the following rules need to be considered:
1. No part of the building or structure may be used as a dwelling.
2. The building may not be used for retail sales ever. Wholesale sales are permitted such as selling raw milk and produce to processors.
3. The produce, crops, livestock, etc. must be grown on the same property the building is located. This language excludes farm co-op buildings such as grain mills where many farmers would bring crops to be processed, but they are not grown in that location.
Please remember, an agricultural exemption is based solely on the use of the building and items 1,2, and 3 above. If the building is to be used for any other purpose, this exemption does not apply and a building permit is required. Examples of exempt structures includes those which are used completely in support of a qualified commercial agricultural use per the State of Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (“MDARD”), such as cattle barns, feed and equipment shelters, and other similar structures. Only in these circumstances are building permits unnecessary, however an agricultural zoning compliance permit is required. Examples of non-exempt structures are those which may be used only partially for the above purposes, those which are for personal storage such as vehicles, campers or non-farm related items or those that may include activities other than agriculture-related storage purposes, and to only be accessed by farm personnel.
A Zoning Compliance Permit assures the proposed use meets the above standards as well as minimum setback requirements from property lines.
Zoning compliance permit applications may be found here: https://www.pcimi.com/forms/dorr-office/87-agricultural-zoning-compliance-form-2/file. The permit fee is $50 payable to Hopkins Township. Applications are processed through the Building Official, PCI. Please see the (link to) Building and Permits Page for more information.